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Infographics Archive - FLASH - Ready Business Toolkits & Workshops
FLASH - Ready Business Toolkits & Workshops Infographics


View or download these infographics for use in presentations and social media to promote workshops in your area.

Identify Your Risk

Identify Your Risk

Identify Your Risk Infographic

Earthquake, Flood, Hurricane, Power Outage and Severe Wind

  • Approximately 500,000 earthquakes are detected across the globe each year.
  • Two Inches of floodwaters can cause $21,000 in damage. Six inches will average $39,000.
  • An average hurricane season includes 12 tropical storms and six become hurricanes.
  • An average of 500,000 people experience power outages daily in the United States.
  • More than 1,000 tornadoes occur in the United States on the average each year.

Develop a Plan

Develop a Plan

Develop a Plan Infographic

Earthquake, Flood, Hurricane, Power Outage and Severe Wind

What is the cost of one hour of downtime?

  • Small Company $8,000
  • Midsize Company – $74,000
  • Large Enterprise – $700,000

A 2012 FEMA survey found that only 46% of respondents were familiar with local hazards.

Approximately 80% of a buildings value is in its nonstructural elements, components and contents.

Take Action

Take Action

Take Action Infographic

Earthquake, Flood, Hurricane, Power Outage and Severe Wind

  • Companies that experience business interruption of any type and cannot resume operation within 10 days will likely fail.
  • Employees are 75% more likely to take action when employers encourage them to be prepared for disasters.
  • 52% of small business owners estimate the time necessary for disaster recovery is three months.



Ready Business Earthquake Infographic

Natural Disaster Impacts on a small business:

Immediately: 40% of small businesses won’t reopen
One Year Later: 25% more small business will close
Three Years Later: 75% of businesses without a continuity plan will fail

The average daily loss of a business that closes due to a disaster are:

$3,000 small business
$23,000 medium sized business

Why is this important?

Small business account for 99% of all companies
Small businesses employ 50% of private sector employees

Inland Flooding

Inland Flooding

Ready Business Flooding Infographic

Natural Disaster Impacts on a small business:

Immediately: 40% of small businesses won’t reopen
One Year Later: 25% more small business will close
Three Years Later: 75% of businesses without a continuity plan will fail

The average daily loss of a business that closes due to a disaster are:

$3,000 small business
$23,000 medium sized business

Why is this important?

Small business account for 99% of all companies
Small businesses employ 50% of private sector employees



Ready Business Hurricane Infographic

Natural Disaster Impacts on a small business:

Immediately: 40% of small businesses won’t reopen
One Year Later: 25% more small business will close
Three Years Later: 75% of businesses without a continuity plan will fail

The average daily loss of a business that closes due to a disaster are:

$3,000 small business
$23,000 medium sized business

Why is this important?

Small business account for 99% of all companies
Small businesses employ 50% of private sector employees

Power Outage

Power Outage

Breakdown of a Power Outage

Did you know?

Squirrels have brought down the NASDAQ twice? IN 1987 and 1994.
The average length of a power outage is 86 minutes
The average cost per incident is $690,204.

Most Common Power Outage Causes:

Faulty equipment
Human error
Vehicle accident
Cyber crime

Prevent Outages and Avoid these Costly Consequences:

Lost productivity
Development delays
Lost revenue
Lost customer confidence
Lost business to competitors

Severe Wind/Tornado

Severe Wind/Tornado

Ready Business Severe Wind/Tornado Infographic

Natural Disaster Impacts on a small business:

Immediately: 40% of small businesses won’t reopen
One Year Later: 25% more small business will close
Three Years Later: 75% of businesses without a continuity plan will fail

The average daily loss of a business that closes due to a disaster are:

$3,000 small business
$23,000 medium sized business

Why is this important?

Small business account for 99% of all companies
Small businesses employ 50% of private sector employees