View or download these infographics for use in presentations and social media to promote workshops in your area.
Immediately: 40% of small businesses won’t reopen
One Year Later: 25% more small business will close
Three Years Later: 75% of businesses without a continuity plan will fail
$3,000 small business
$23,000 medium sized business
Small business account for 99% of all companies
Small businesses employ 50% of private sector employees
Immediately: 40% of small businesses won’t reopen
One Year Later: 25% more small business will close
Three Years Later: 75% of businesses without a continuity plan will fail
$3,000 small business
$23,000 medium sized business
Small business account for 99% of all companies
Small businesses employ 50% of private sector employees
Immediately: 40% of small businesses won’t reopen
One Year Later: 25% more small business will close
Three Years Later: 75% of businesses without a continuity plan will fail
$3,000 small business
$23,000 medium sized business
Small business account for 99% of all companies
Small businesses employ 50% of private sector employees
Squirrels have brought down the NASDAQ twice? IN 1987 and 1994.
The average length of a power outage is 86 minutes
The average cost per incident is $690,204.
Faulty equipment
Human error
Vehicle accident
Cyber crime
Lost productivity
Development delays
Lost revenue
Lost customer confidence
Lost business to competitors
Immediately: 40% of small businesses won’t reopen
One Year Later: 25% more small business will close
Three Years Later: 75% of businesses without a continuity plan will fail
$3,000 small business
$23,000 medium sized business
Small business account for 99% of all companies
Small businesses employ 50% of private sector employees